We believe that a logo mark should not only look good, but should also express our thoughts and wishes. We would like to create a logo mark while discussing the reason for the trade name, the reason for the location, the reason for starting the business, etc.
A business card is a small thing, but I think it is very important.Personal appearance, such as clothing and hair style, shows a person’s character, but what about the appearance of the company? I think business cards are one of them. It’s like the case of men and women, where you meet a person who seems very nice according to your friends, but when you actually meet him or her, it’s not what you imagined…. I want to make a business card that will not cause such disappointment. And since business cards are made of paper, they have a certain feel to them. For some reason, people like to feel, and the impression they get from touch is much more trustworthy than a digital impression. This is similar to relationships between men and women, isn’t it
We believe that our website and brochure are the heart of our company.Before asking a friend to introduce you to the opposite sex, you say, “Let me see your picture,” right? I think the website and brochure are also like saying, “Tell me more about this person. Contrary to the business card example, he is well groomed, but his personality is …… “. I would like to create a website or brochure that doesn’t say.
This word “fool” also has a very warm meaning. To make the place relax by doing something stupid.You want to attract the attention of your loved one by making a fool of yourself.I think such a time will create an unforgettable moment with that person and you may unexpectedly meet the most important thing. I don’t think you can do anything if you are just hard-headed, which is why comedy is always so popular on TV.At meetings, I want people to laugh and say, “You are so stupid. I want to build a relationship where we can say that to each other.And this name is a word I coined. I made it up as I went along. It is a combination of BAKA and KNOT. I chose this name because I hope to connect people with each other through such trivial things.There are many serious elements such as design and sales strategies, but I want to make things simpler, fun, exciting, and happy. Like a love song, this is a slightly serious introduction to our company.
長くなりましたが バコットデザインの 自己紹介は以上です
今までつくらせてもらった一部を インスタにのせてるんで よかったら見てください
I have also uploaded some of
my works on my Instagram
Please take a look if you like.
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